Cyan Eyed – Superb Steampunk Film

“Cyan Eyed” movie is a triumph of plot, engaging characters, special effects and music within a steampunk world.

I’ve only just come across this spectacular film and it so resonates with the vibe of what I imagine and am trying to build for the ‘Cogwheel Chronicles’ game, it is almost spooky 🙂

It has sentient steam mechs, magic, airships, personable villains … it’s just brilliant. The VFX and the orchestral score and sound help to viscerally bring it to life. A huge labour of love and it is an absolutely stunning achievement.

Enough … just watch it!

Cyan Eyed Movie – Watch Full Screen & Turn Up the Sound 🙂

“Cyan Eyed” .. “Cyanide” (love it)



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