Category: cogwheel chronicles
First cut scene test for Cogwheel Chronicles
The avatar is based on the in-game Cathodia Callan character. The voice at the moment is just text-to-speech Microsoft Anna (to be swapped out for a real voice soon)
The Nemo Claw
The Nemo Claw takes down floating islands (that spawned when Tesla’s earth power experiments went awry). It also attacks low flying airships! Keep those fleury flames alive pilots!
Day / Night Cycles in Games
So thanks to now having access to the game engine source, tweaks can be made (and have been) to enable day/night cycles based on configurable game time. The changes needed were to blend day and night sky domes (alpha fade from one to the other), the vector translation for the sun source for PBR directional…
Cogwheel Chronicles – Promotion Sketch
PBR Dragons Redux – Or Musings On If Cogwheel Chronicles Should Go PBR?
I don’t think I can ignore PBR for Cogwheel Chronicles – the uplift in pure ‘niceness’ due to the improved lighting is too much to not include: However, can’t afford to move it all to PBR – many many assets already in the game world – too many to convert so will have to stick with…
Cogwheel Chronicles – Teaser Trailer
Volumetric Height Based Fog
Fog is a very important game component for Cogwheel Chronicles – it is almost a character in the story itself. Up until now though the fog has been pretty boring, so have now implemented a swirling height based fog effect into the game. Once you’re up in the skies on your airship / biplane /…
PBR & Dragons
To move to PBR or not to move to PBR that is the current question …. Physically Based Rendering is pretty awesome – all major game studios and game titles use it – but they of course often have hundreds of millions to spend and many dedicated artists, programmers, designers etc. What does a severely…
Anaglyph 3D
Old school 3D using red/cyan spectacles (remember those) is making somewhat of a comeback – OK not really – VR is the new 3D I know – however I actually like the affect (probably as it brings back memories of youth) and a pair of decent stereo 3D anaglyph glasses is very cheap. Probably just make…
The Cogwheel Chronicle – Issue 692